Introducing – The Fox Pack – State of the art technology. Expandable in any direction. The Fox can drive up to 200 feeder, illustrating its dedication to high-mix production. Due to its small footprint and reasonable weight, the machine is ideal for use in limited space production areas even those located on upper floors.

Fox4 Fox2 Fox
Productivity Optimum placement speed 18’100 cph (4-axes) 12’000 cph (2-axes) 7’000 cph (1-axis)
Optimum jetting speed - 150‘000 Dots/hh -
Feeder Feeder capacity 8 mm Tape 200 (140 inline) 180 (120 inline) 180 (120 inline)
Components Component size range 008004 (imp.) - 80 x 80 mm (Note specs for constraints)
Accuracy Placement accuracy (x, y) Chip ± 40 μm (3σ) / QFP ± 30 μm (3σ)
PCB Max. PCB dimensions 406 x 305 mm (16 x 12“)
Dimensions Machine footprint 880 x 1090 mm (34.7 x 43“)